
I'd like to share my experiences of living and loving my boyfriend who has been diagnosed with Bipolar. Hopefully I can help others in similar situations by expressing the ways I've dealt with both the good and bad times. I would like this blog to be a platform where we can help each other out by sharing our experiences. In turn, it'll help spread awareness to help break the stigma of Bipolar and other mental illnesses.


My ReBirth

I cannot tell you how powerful it is once we figure out that we don't have to rely on other people's affirmations to survive. Being the sibling of a twin is a gift and a curse. The gift being that having someone I love and cherish in whom I've shared a womb with.....the curse?.....being always compared to someone other than myself.

I lost my father to cancer at the age of 23. My knee jerk reaction was to marry the one that I felt was my soul mate. Bad move. I can remember right before our divorce he looked me in the eyes and asked, " Did you marry because of your father's death or because you loved me?" Falling prey to the oh so common trap of not wanting to hurt people, I answered, "Because I loved you". When in reality, it was just the opposite.

I'm now 32 and I've had the epiphany that we need to let go of the past and know that the only people we can count on are ourselves........................................Holla MF's......Mar

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